★ Activities:

  • Strategic and operational consulting in setting up, negotiating and managing innovative projects (identification of opportunities, preparation and implementation of projects/partnerships/business plans, proposals and tendering, relations with funding agencies, impact evaluation).

  • Bid and tenter writing consultancy.

  • Training in project set-up and project management.


  • If your development goals include a positive social and environmental impact, GOODPROJECT can help you, whatever your structure and domain.

  • GOODPROJECT's key areas of interest include sustainable development, life sciences and information and communication technologies, as well as the potential that innovative internet collaboration has for supporting society’s shift towards a sustainable model (collective awareness platforms, social networks, crowdfunding, collaborative economy, crowdsourcing, smart cities, etc.).

3 projects presented in Brussels during a day about Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation: YouSense (Smart Nose Dust, Collaborative Platform to Share Information about Air Pollution with Affordable Devices), Parlement et Citoyens (“Citizens and Parliament”, Collective Intelligence for Better Laws), SoScience (Research and Innovation for the Common Good).

“How to finance your project in the domain of sustainable tourism” (in French, “Comment financer sa démarche de tourisme durable”). Interview produced by Voyageons-Autrement during the Universities of Sustainable Tourism (“Universités du Tourisme Durable”) organized by Acteurs du Tourisme Durable. The 5 interviews are here.


Start-ups: TransOceanic Wind Transport, ElseWays, ZeroEcoImpact, VeggieBox, YouSense, CQuoiWatt, Indemniflight, MyProjectMaestro, Medelse (in partnership)

NGOs: Citoyens Capteurs (CitizenWatt), 4ideas, Africa Solar Food

Academia: Sorbonne Université, University of Southampton, INRA

Public sector actors: Agence de Développement Touristique des Ardennes, Ressources Naturelles Développement asbl

Companies: ISS France, BlaBlaCar (in partnership), Ulule (in partnership).


“Set-up and manage a European project” for ‘Masters 2’ “European studies” students at Univ. Paris 3 - Sorbonne nouvelle.


Photography: courtesy of the Sydney-based photographer Stuart Spence